这是一个stm上一个用户的经验分享,2015年以前,做传统的SEO,运行多个网站,虽然也有赚,但是感觉很难放大。于是,开始尝试付费流量。刚开始也是亏损,ROI一度-75% 到-90%, 坚持一段时间过,终于发现了自己的宝藏,通过从一个大人网站的约会素材,跑CPI,结果,转换率相对的高(逆向思维的重要性)。每天有10000个安装量,每天的纯利润高达1500美金。他默不作声的的跑了一年多,直到offer死掉,后来又通过重新调整广告创意以及转换其他affiliate network又跑了一波。作者很强调的一点就是,一直在隐藏自己的创意和LP等不被Adplexity这些spy 工具搜索到,闷声发财(说明真正的高手,很注意保护自己的创意,公开的,容易得到的往往也是价值不高的)
期间尝试PP CALL,结果不理想。在接着开始跑CPL offer,获得不错的成绩。并且流量源扩展到facebook,adword这些更主流的流量。关键还是作者找到了核心秘密:
I kept testing angle and angles and I was really about to quit this offer until I woke up one morning and saw my latest Ad doing +350% ROI. Funny thing : my angle was taken from porn sites and dating offers and adapted to a mainstream placement and CPI offer…
I guess that’s the somewhat experienced affiliate superpower : looking at some images/banners/LP and having a relatively good idea whether or not it stands any chance to be a winner. We have a « bland and borring » detector in our DNA ?
- 继续跑Whitehat leadgen verticals : insurances, credit and banking related offers, edu, tax saving, etc. I’ll continue leadgen on FB
- 自建或者合作call center,
- 自建offer